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How important is your oral health to your overall health?

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Many people seem to think that dentists are in the business of keeping teeth healthy. While that is an important part of being a dentist, it’s only one piece of the true goal: promoting whole-body health, starting with the mouth. Oral health is an important factor of maintaining physical wellness, just like exercise and a proper diet.

But what exactly does caring for mouths do for your overall health?

The Mouth is the Gateway to the Body

The mouth is full of bacteria — and that’s a good thing! For the most part, they’re harmless and even helpful. The bacteria in your mouth prevent the adoption of more harmful bacteria.

Good oral habits like regular brushing and flossing will help maintain a natural balance of healthy bacteria, which in turn will prevent its unhealthy kin which could have a negative impact on the whole body.

Serious Side-effects From Poor Oral Health

If a healthy mouth isn’t maintained, the consequences can be more serious than a simple toothache.

Infections and bacteria caused by an uncared-for mouth have been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory issues.

Remember to consider the body and teeth connection. These are all preventable ailments — all it takes is regular oral care and frequent trips to the dentist to ensure better overall health.

Higher Quality of Life

No one likes discomfort and pain. Anyone who has ever had a toothache knows how disruptive it can be to a normal lifestyle.

Gum infection, cavities, and other oral health problems can be distracting. It can disrupt your flow and make it hard to focus on day-to-day activities.

Additionally, chronic pain can lead to serious mental health issues like insomnia and depression.

Instead of waiting for these problems to appear and start causing havoc, take preventative measures early. Taking action will preserve not only your oral health but your mental health as well.


The dentist deals with more than just teeth — they deal with whole-body health, starting with oral care. But responsibility also falls on the individual to take care of their own mouths and book regular dentist appointments. If you have any questions with how to improve your oral habits, feel free to

contact us.

Jay Patel

Written by
Dr. Jay Patel

Dr. Patel aims to provide Calgarians with comprehensive oral health care and preventive dental care focused on improving overall well-being. This shows in Dr. Patel’s focus on preventing diseases and achieving effective dental results through patient education and the use of advanced dental technology.

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